Benefits of Traveling Alone
10 Reasons to Solo Travel
If you are thinking about embarking on your first solo trip, anxiety and safety concerns are likely at the forefront of your mind. Put aside those feelings for a second. They are valid but let’s focus on the advantages of solo travel. Here are some ways I have benefited from traveling solo and believe you will too. (While some of these may be obvious, I felt they were important to touch upon).

Why Solo Travel?
1. YOU finally get to go somewhere you have always wanted to go.
This is a simple reason, and a great benefit of solo travel. Why wait for someone to do something YOU want to do? Typically when you plan to travel alone, YOU get to pick the destination. You don’t need to survey your friends to see if they are interested, available, or have the funds. And you no longer settle for a place you may not necessarily care about simply because it is your only chance of a getaway. (Do you really want to go to yet another all-inclusive resort just because that is your only current trip invite?).
Rex Angel Note: Nowadays, I typically begin to plan a trip on my own. I will then share with close friends that they are welcome to join. This is a win-win for me. If I get a travel companion, amazing. And if I do not, equally amazing. I am going on that trip regardless!
2. YOU are in control of your budget.
You know what isn’t fun? When you end up spending more money on something than you have planned. One of the awesome benefits of traveling alone is you get to decide where to allocate your dollars. For example, you can spurge on a nice rental car or save your pennies by taking public transportation. (I’m a huge fan of local buses!). It is essentially up to you how you wish to spend your hard-earned money.

Benefits of Traveling Alone continued
3. YOU choose how you wish to spend your time.
Unless you are heading somewhere for months, chances are you likely have a few days or weeks for your trip. And I bet you want to make the most of that time? When you travel solo, you determine how long you wish to do an activity. If you want to spend 7 hours in a museum or 3 hours shopping, the choice is all yours. Best of all, you will not feel guilty for holding anyone else up. The travel experiences are entirely up to you.
4. YOU will see much more on your own.
This is another amazing benefit of traveling alone. Don’t get me wrong. I love sipping margaritas for hours with friends in the middle of Mexico. But when you travel solo, the reality is you are less likely to spend an entire afternoon on a patio. Instead, you’ll be more on the go. This means you will be spending time seeing the sites and doing the activities you want.

Advantages of Traveling Alone continued
5. YOU will develop more social skills.
This is a huge benefit of traveling alone. Your social skills will get stronger. For instance, you will be put in situations where you are forced to talk to strangers. You may need to ask for directions or someone to take your photo. The more you engage with people, the more your social skills will develop. And moreover, you will make new friends. Now, you may be thinking “I’m not that sociable” to meet anyone. Well, for starters the first thing you need to meet new people is an open mind! (Stay tuned for my blog post on how to meet people while traveling).
6. YOU can wake up whenever you want.
When was the last time you were up at 9AM, dressed and ready to go, but your travel companion was still cozied up under the covers? Or the opposite…you want to hit the snooze button a few times and your travel companion is giving you the evil glare? Well, when you travel alone, you get to choose if you want to wake up for that 6AM sunrise hike or that 1PM hungover brunch.

Benefits of Solo Travel continued
7. YOU can eat whatever you want.
This may sound silly in a way, but it is one of the benefits of traveling alone. Think about it! Have you ever spent 30 minutes going from restaurant to restaurant with a travel companion unable to decide where to eat? Have you had to settle for fast food when you wanted fine dining? Or even worse, you forked over $$$ for dinner when you were trying to stick to a budget? When you travel alone, you get to pick where you want to eat. and how much you wish to spend on your meals.
8. YOU begin to enjoy your own company.
Solo travel is essentially you spending time with yourself (says Ms. Obvious). And this may be one of the few times you are in your own company without distractions. You are not tied down at work and your loved ones are miles away. When you take that time to yourself, you learn about who you are. And then you may even prefer doing things alone when you are back home.
Rex Angel Note: After my first solo trip, I started loving my own company much more. I now often go to cafes alone, read solo in a park, and I’m not as eager to fill up my weekends with plans.

Advantages of Traveling Alone continued
9. YOU will become a better problem-solver.
This is an incredible skill and another one of the important benefits of traveling alone. At least once during your trip, something will go wrong. And this will test you. For instance, you might get off at the wrong train stop. When you travel solo, you determine a solution on your own. (You almost have no choice!) There is no friend to rely on and debate about “What should we do?”. Instead, you may study a map and determine the correct route. Whatever the situation you end up in, you will figure it out.
10. And lastly, YOU will feel empowered.
If you read my travel blog, you may know “empowered” is one of my favorite words. And without sounding like an Oprah special, traveling solo will make you a stronger and more confident person. It will push you out of your comfort zone. You may learn a new language, change your perspective on life, and realize how much you are capable of on your own.
These are the ways that solo travel has benefited me in the last few years. And it for these reasons, I am eager to encourage others, especially women, to take a trip alone.

Stay Connected!
How have you benefitted from solo travel? Share in the comments!
Follow @RexAngelTravel on Instagram, Pinterest & TikTok.
Planning a solo trip? Pin this post for later!
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”Is it worth travelling alone?” answer-0=”Absolutely. Travelling alone allows you to become more independent, sociable, and confident.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”How can I enjoy travelling alone?” answer-1=”In order to enjoy travelling alone, do your research before. Pick a city you wish to visit, research the neighborhood, and ensure someone back home has your flight and accommodation info at all times.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Is solo travelling boring?” answer-2=”If you constantly need to be in the company of others, solo travelling may appear boring at first, but you can go to locations where you will meet people.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h4″ question-3=”Where can I travel solo female?” answer-3=”There are numerous destinations you can safely travel as a female. Simply pick your top cities you’d like to visit and research each one. When you use common street smarts, traveling nearly anywhere is safe.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h4″ question-4=”Is it weird to travel alone?” answer-4=”Definitely not. When you travel alone, you’ll likely meet many other solo travelers.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]
Loved this article. The points you had are so true! Im a huge advocate for solo travel and this is a great way to motivate others to do the same
I love these! I’ve been working on getting more comfortable traveling alone. It’s always been such a fear of mine, but I’ve started doing day trips on my own and that’s been helping a lot!
I don’t travel solo often, but when I do I really enjoy having the freedom to go where I want and at my own pace.
I love all benefits you have mentioned in the post. I totally agree with them :) What I love the most is being able to create my own schedule. I can do what I want at my own pace.
I loved reading your points and I couldn’t agree more with you. I always think there are lots of benefits of travelling on your own, you can feel so much more accomplished at the end.
Great post! I think solo travel would really push me to be more social and a better problem solver. I know I would love to be in charge of my own schedule and budget!
This is spot on. It’s not only empowering, but solo travel is liberating. It’s something to embraced and I think we’ll see more and more people going it alone and hopefully the travel industry will recognize the trend and make things easier for people to do so.
Love solo travel (as well as family travel!) benefits to both!
Totally agree here. I wouldn’t have known unless I started traveling solo, so just do it!
Love solo travel and I wish everyone would take one. These are great benefits for solo travel. Solo travel is so empowering.